My name is Taylor I am 19 years old. I am a Christian and Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I have a passion for the orphaned children around the world but my heart is strongly pulled toward China for special needs orphans. With the adoption of my brother from China who was a special needs child, I saw up close and first hand how these children were discriminated against. They were considered unworthy, untrainable and “dumb” because they were not “perfect”. My brother is perfect and he has excelled in school since joining our family.
I Have gone to Xian, China during the summers of 2010 and 2011 to meet some of these beautiful children that are classified as “ special needs orphans”. Since my visit during 2010, I have seen 20+ children united with their familes and many were united through this website. I will start college this Fall and I will be majoring in Special Education. Every child deserves to have an education even if it has to be adjusted to his/her own learning level. We take our education for granted at times when there are so many who would love to have the opportunities we have to learn. I know that I cannot help every child I meet, but even to the one that I do help, my journey was worth the trip.
I started my mission to help “those that still wait” for their families. I can be the voice for these orphans around the world that need to be heard. I research daily for children who so desperately want a family to call their own; post them here on my web page and pray that their family will be found. Every child deserves to have a family to love them!
Ashton and I started this advocacy site to advocate for the least of the least please follow us as we help children find homes. If you ever have a child you would like us to advocate for feel free to contact us. You can find our emails under the contact us page. We would be more than willing to post about a child who has touched your heart.
You can check my blog out at Seeing My Way Through
I am Ashton. I am 16 years old and have a passion for GOD and Orphans. From the time I was little I have LOVED little kids. They brought me SO much joy! As I have grown up God has become more of my Love and my best friend! I live for Him! The seed for Orphans was planted in my heart at about age 9 when my parents felt God's call to go to China and adopt a precious little girl, Anna Grace. Soon the crisis of Orphans became evident to me and I realized that the suffering in the world was not just a "Fairy Tale"
As I got older my heart changed and I fell more and more in love with China and Africa. China because my sister was adopted from there and it would always be special to me, Africa because God began to open my heart up to something much bigger than anything I could ever imagine! I soon fell in love with the children in Africa and have prayed for over a year now and I feel called there. God has blessed me and I cannot wait to see his plans for my Life.
For THREE years after bringing Anna Grace home I felt that I still had another sibling in China. In 2009 my parents decided they would make the trip back to China for Another Child. But this time...It was a 3 year old little boy!! I was SO excited! We traveled in January 2010 to bring him home and he has forever changed my life. We are in the process right now of bringing our sweet blessing number THREE home from China! We can't wait for Ainsley Faith to be forever in our arms.
I have realized through my trips to China how EASY life is in North America and that I am not meant to take the "easy" way through life. I am to pick up my cross and follow Him. That is what I plan to do! I am praying about becoming a missionary in Uganda, Africa. But wherever HE leads I am willing to follow. I am counting down the days until I can move to Uganda and adopt as many children as my arms can hold!
You can't change the world for everyone, but you can change the world for ONE.
You can follow my journey through life on my blog, beloved