HYK is an adorable little boy who will turn 7 years old in October, although he is very small for his age. HYK was born with a few heart issues; SV (R), PA, Common atrioventricular valve, ASD, PDA (R), Double superior vena cava, right arch. Oh...and he has situs inversus viscerum. (That means his major organs are reversed). He has had one surgery according to his report. Ke is a quiet boy, who enjoys playing with cars. He likes to look at books and play games with his buddies. He attends school. Ke is a cute little guy who really, really needs a mom and dad. And we would really, really like to find a family for him.
Next is Thomas at Starfish DOB: 7/7/08 Shared list not agency specific couldn't leave him out though!
Thomas was born with TOF (1st surgery complete) and a bladder exstrophy (bladder is exposed the the abdomen wall) He is 2 years old and currently in foster care where they must be spoiling him rotten; who wouldn't? Thomas has had the first surgery to repair the TOF (Tetralogy of Fallot - a congenital heart condition); he will require two more procedures. He also has bladder exstrophy (a congenital condition where the bladder is exposed through the abdominal wall). This cannot be repaired until his heart repair is further along. He is ready to take on his next challenge....total domination of a new family! He wants it all, every hug, every kiss, every book read to him over and over...he has many plans for his new mommy and daddy. They just need to hurry and go get him! He is walking now and ready to come home. I met this little guy this summer and have more photos, info and a video on him. I am only sending the video to the family that locks his file and proceeds with his adoption. Next is S.H.T DOB:11/13/06
S.H.T has just turned 4 years old and is as cute as a bug! She has already had surgery to repair her VSD and ASD, both which were successful and is now playing catch-up for lost months when they wouldn't allow her to do much of anything due to her heart condition. She loves to play with dolls and has good fine motor skills. Little ones born with heart conditions often have delays; these can many times be overcome. Someone had her tested when she was almost 3 years old, with the results showing delays in almost all areas. However, her report from the orphanage states she was able to do age appropriate tasks at that time. So...we have to wonder...did she respond to the test giver's requests? Or did she clam up...as we all know kids will do in a strange situation? We are asking for new info, so we hope to have some answers soon. In the meantime, she is patiently waiting for her mommy and daddy to speak up. She wants to come home now! Next is the handsome ZJD: DOB: 8/24/07
ZJD is a handsome little guy who is 3 years old. Born with a congenital heart defect, he received surgery when he was 5 months old. This procedure was successful, however according to the report he still has a large VSD which may require another surgery. (This report was in 2009 so we are trying to get an update) His development was only slightly behind his peers; not bad for a heart baby! he is a bright boy who loves to be outside and play with toy cars. As we see so often with children with heart issues in orphanages, they are protected (often too much) and it can slow their progress. He doesn't seem to be too affected by this, although I am sure he would love to be allowed to run and play when he wanted! ZJD is adorable, all boy and in need of a mom and dad. Do you have room in your family for him? Next us the cutie M.A.L: DOB: 11/12/08 M.A.L is too cute...really. In her photos, she looked so serious, so bored...and then in one shot, she has that smile. She looks like a pixie! She was born with a heart condition called patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), which is a condition in which a blood vessel called the ductus arteriosus fails to close normally in an infant soon after birth. This sometimes closes on its own during the first two years of life. If not, medications can be tried; if those do not work, surgery can be an option. She hasn't really worried too much about all that though. She has just been busy eating, playing, growing and charming everyone she meets! AoLing is now 2 years old and ready to come home and be spoiled. If you have been waiting for a pixie of your very own...your wait is over! MATCHED WITH HER FOREVER FAMILY CONGRATS TO THEM AND HER!! Next is JHZ DOB: 11/13/06
JHZ has recently turned 4 years old and is a very handsome little boy. We are hoping to get some new photos of him (and an update) since his info is a bit outdated. We have the surgery report from 2007, which details the procedures done on his heart; AS enlargement, bi-directional Glenn shunt. He recovered well, according to the report, with no complications. He had been very restricted prior to his surgery, as well as a while after, so that affected his development. He fell behind his peers during that time and will need to catch up in all areas. He is a happy boy...happy to have that surgery behind him and good days ahead. He will be even happier with a mom and dad to love him. Do you have room for a sweet little boy in your house? The noise level might increase, but the rewards are unbelievable! Next is WMX DOB: 3/29/06 Shared list baby
WMX is 4 years old and surely must be a beauty. The photos we were sent show her at a little over a year old, and she is adorable in them! (Although a headband or some little bows would have helped tame that hair!) She was born with a heart defect; we have the report from the hospital for you to show your doctor. In short, she has "I-degree back flow of TV; accelerating flow speed of PA". Her motor development was said to be delayed in this report, which is not surprising for a child with a heart condition. I enjoyed reading her orphanage report; in one part they talked about how she loved to pull the nannies to her for a big kiss! What a sweetie! MingXu needs a family! Next is the beautiful I mean handsome PSR DOB: 9/1/02
PSR is an 8 year old boy who is spunky, fun and is very smart. He loves model cars and planes and will study them very carefully and ask questions about them. His teachers are impressed with his abilities and his good work. He was born with a heart condition known as Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome http://www.thic.com/hyporight.htm and received his first surgery when he was an infant. He had a Bidirectional Glenn Shunt and ligation of PLSVC. He is a very intelligent boy who needs a family of his own. He has lived with a foster family and knows what families are all about. Now he wants to be part of a wonderful family that is all his own. So stock up on model airplanes and make a run to the bookstore for some new reading material for boys...he wants to come home!
New info: ShuRen's doctors report he has not needed any further surgery. They suggest he not participate in very intense sports; but he has been very healthy. He has continued to do well in school. Math is his best subject. He gets along very well with others and enjoys participating in group activities. He looks after himself and his belongings. ShuRen is outgoing and friendly. Next is the pretty Sandy DOB: 2/18/07 Sandy's special needs are complicated CHD: dextrocardia, VSD, aortic overriding 60%, possibly double outlet of right ventricle, ASD, patent ductus arteriosus, PH, possibly interruption of aortic arch. She also has hemangioma on her right eyelid (which seems to have faded). She is a bright and curious child.
And last but not least is the lovely Sue from DOB: 3/11/2008 (newer pics of her are avaiable with the agency she is listed with) MATCHED WITH HER FOREVER FAMILY CONGRATS TO THEM!! Sue is a beautiful little girl who was born with Complex congenital deformities DORV TGA VSD ventricular both-way shunt PDA Discontinuous echo in middle of AS PFO? Situs transversus atrium Pulmonary valve stenosis Mitral regurgitation (slight) Tricuspid regurgitation (slight) She is in need of a mommy and daddy to bring her home and fix her heart. All of her defects can be repaired with one to 2 surgeries now and a possible follow up when she is a teenager. Sue entered the grandmother program sponsored by "Half Sky Foundation" at seven months old. The grandmother often takes her out and talk with her, her development is delayed compared with others. She has routine life under the excellent care, and has normal defecation and urination, and at the age of 5 months, she can smile when being teased, and at the age of 8 months, she can roll over and at the age of 12 months, she can sit alone and can walk with one hand held. Her language development is delayed compared with others, and can understand the simple directions, but she seldom expresses herself using language, and when she is happy she will say bao, bao, xie, hao. She is introvert, timid, and has strong sense of self-protection when she is with strangers. She has strong imitating ability and learning ability and is bright. She is happy to stay with her caretaker. she likes to read books and listen to music. She claps her hands when listening to music, and she likes to play hide and seek game. Could you be the Mommy and Daddy she is waiting on?
If you would like more on these little ones or which agency they are listed with please email me at tsw1203@aol.com and I will give you this info. Please also pass around about these children so that next Christmas they can be home with their families! If anyone locks these children's file please let me know so that I can remove them and place has found their family beside them. If any of the shared list children on her are moved to an agency specific list also let me know this please so I can keep this up to date. Also if you have any heart babies you would like me to add please email me their info, a picture if you can, what agency they are with or if they are a shared list child state this and I will place them on her. If anyone has a little one they would like me to place on here other then heart please also email me I am always looking for children to add.
S.H.T DOB:11/13/06 I'm interested in this child. Where is she available?