Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"June" waiting in China

When looking to adopt a child, many want a baby. I mean who wouldn't? A baby that you can cuddle, share firsts with, dress up, and with little girls, put big bows in their hair...I mean dude, me me!  But, seriously. There are so many beautiful, precious waiting OLDER children. They all need a Mommy and Daddy just as much as the babies do. They still have plenty of "firsts" and I bet you can bribe them to dress up know that they want a Mommy and Daddy, they deserve one. What child doesn't deserve to be told they are loved, beautiful, precious and learn about Jesus?

When I saw this post on this blog, I knew I had to share it. She needs a family. Could you be the Mommy she so badly wants? Could you make her wish come true?

While in China I met a 13 year old girl.  I will call her June. 

Because she had a birthday while we were there. Unfortunately we did not know that.  A June girl.

I actually wonder if she even knew it was her birthday. Something tells me they do not tell the kids, hey today is YOUR day!

Because she turned 13, it means she only has ONE YEAR left to find a family.  Or she loses her chance, forever.  At 14 they are to old.

So what becomes of her?  We really do not know.

Here is what I know about June.

She is beautiful and her smile lights up her face.

She watches out for the little ones. One day she was upstairs with us and we were trying to get the kids downstairs. One of the little ones needs a walker, and we did not know where it was. We did not have to say a word, June was on it and ran off to help her little friend.

She attends school so we were not with her as much as some of the other kids.  We know she can count in English and writes well.

She has palsey of the left limbs. But it did not seem to affect her.

Her favorite color is yellow.

And she wants a family. She told us this.

Because she only has ONE YEAR left,  she needs her family to step up NOW.

It COULD be done. 

So she might not be what you or I would typically think of when we think of adoption.

She is 13. she has lived in an orphanage her entire life. There will be issues to work through.

Though we did NOT see this side of her, she MIGHT be like any teenage girl.


Or she might not, because she might just look at life a bit differently.

Regardless of any of that, she wants a family.  She DESERVES a family, doesn't she?

She needs a daddy to tell her she is beautiful before she starts looking at boys.

She needs a mommy to take her shopping, fix her hair, talk to her about life.

She needs to hear about Jesus... 

Please help me spread the word about June. WE can be her voice.  WE can lift her up in prayer till she is home.  WE could change her world.  

Bringing June home is totally doable. She has a year. God has a family for this precious girl. Is it your family?
Please share and help June find her home! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This and That

This post is a bunch off jumbled up-ness.
So, bear with me {Ashton} as I just give you a few "announcements" then we shall get back to advocating. K? kay.

So, I am sure you noticed that SWW looks a bit different. Let us know what you think about the new blog design...Yay or Nay? Should we have stuck with the old design or do you like the little bit of color we threw in? Not that it is that important but we still would like to know :)

Another note, We have added a button to our side bar. This is an awesome way to share SWW with the world. And it is an easy way to "do your part" You never know if by sharing our button on your blog someone sees our website and finds their child! One less orphan and one more forever family! It can change lives. Just copy and paste the bottom part and put it in an HTML side on your sidebar and wahhlahhh. You got it!
OK we are having technical difficulties with the button! We will let you know as soon as it as fixed! Sorry Guys!

**UPDATE. We have the blog button working again...The one on the sidebar works! Thank you so much for telling us! Please spread the word! :)

Ok, next up is the fun part. I am talking with Taylor about maybe doing something really fun. Our goal by August is to have 50 followers. That would be huge. 50 followers might not seem like a lot, but it is definitely getting our name out there. That is only{ha.ha.only} 30 more. So, Share, Share, Share, add our button, Like our Face*book page, tell your friends, and anything else you can think of. Get our name out there.
If we get 50 followers, we will have a surprise. Some giveaway, drawing, whatever it may be. {Give ideas on that too! Blog design, tshirt-ish, just random gift, etc etc}

Until they all have Homes,

Almost 2 Year Old Girl Waiting-China---Matched??

Meet Lucy, As you can tell by her pictures, She is a beautiful little girl with fair skin and pretty brown eyes. She will be 2 years old later this year. Her caretakers describe her as active, cute, and lovely, and state that she loves to be cuddled by others. She has a strong personality and often enjoys accomplishing whatever she set her mind to. Her favorite thing is to play with her friends. She has been diagnosed with Poland’s syndrome, which has resulted in dextrocardia and a deformed thorax. Her lower arm has also been amputated. She has done extremely well following this surgery and she continues to be a bright and happy little girl. If you would like to know more about Lucy and the agency she is with please email me

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Waiting in Eastern Europe-MATCHED!!

DOB: April 2007

Diagnosis: Dwarfism; Congenital cleft of the hard and soft palate – not corrected surgically

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Beautiful Not Yet One Year Old Boy Waiting

Jonathan is a baby boy diagnosed with repaired cleft lip and palate and has tested positive for Hepatitis B. His report quotes "His physical state is excellent, he has good eating habits, and good sleep." He is described as extroverted, clever and handsome. He is agency specific email me for the agency and his DOB is 8/16/2010.

Isn't he just a DOLL BABY!