Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This and That

This post is a bunch off jumbled up-ness.
So, bear with me {Ashton} as I just give you a few "announcements" then we shall get back to advocating. K? kay.

So, I am sure you noticed that SWW looks a bit different. Let us know what you think about the new blog design...Yay or Nay? Should we have stuck with the old design or do you like the little bit of color we threw in? Not that it is that important but we still would like to know :)

Another note, We have added a button to our side bar. This is an awesome way to share SWW with the world. And it is an easy way to "do your part" You never know if by sharing our button on your blog someone sees our website and finds their child! One less orphan and one more forever family! It can change lives. Just copy and paste the bottom part and put it in an HTML side on your sidebar and wahhlahhh. You got it!
OK we are having technical difficulties with the button! We will let you know as soon as it as fixed! Sorry Guys!

**UPDATE. We have the blog button working again...The one on the sidebar works! Thank you so much for telling us! Please spread the word! :)

Ok, next up is the fun part. I am talking with Taylor about maybe doing something really fun. Our goal by August is to have 50 followers. That would be huge. 50 followers might not seem like a lot, but it is definitely getting our name out there. That is only{ha.ha.only} 30 more. So, Share, Share, Share, add our button, Like our Face*book page, tell your friends, and anything else you can think of. Get our name out there.
If we get 50 followers, we will have a surprise. Some giveaway, drawing, whatever it may be. {Give ideas on that too! Blog design, tshirt-ish, just random gift, etc etc}

Until they all have Homes,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ashton,

    I tried to put the button in my sidebar, but it is showing up blank. Any suggestions?
