Jason: Feb 2011 history of heart issue, hypospadia, hernia (M)
Natasha: June 2009 Imperforatd Anus,secondary megacolon,CHD-TOF (F)
Heston: Jan 2010 post op anal atresia(imperforated anus), CHD (M)
Madeline: Dec 2009development delay (medium) (F)
Christina: Oct 2010 Hairy Nevus (F)
Jamie: May 2010 congenital a mass on bridge of the nose; congenital split right nosewing (F)
Haley June 2010 absence of right ear (F)
Rosalee April 2010 horizontal nystagmus; weak eye sight (F)
Willow Feb2009 post-op cleft lip and Palate, positive HBsAg, HBeAg, HBcAb (F)
Faith April 2008 CHD (F)
Channing August 2006weak eyesight, secondary neuratrophy (F)
Holly Born January 2010 post op CHD (TOF) & Delay waiting again (F)
There are many many more little ones waiting with BAAS please contact Xiaoqing for more info on any of these little ones xqcai@comcast.net
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