Little Shalyn was born October 2010 with Hairy nevus, umbilical hernia, anemia.
Chelsea was born January 2011 with Cerebral Palsy. She is such a little peanut that needs a family to help her grow and thrive.
Beautiful Ava was born April 2009 and is post-op Meningocele.
Sweet Tess was born Feb 2002 and has CP. Her photo is an updated one taken this month. Isn't she sweet!
Allison was born April 2002 with the softening of front temporal lobe. She needs a mom and dad to bring out the best in her. There is a video available of her.
Beautiful Valentina was born Jan 2004 with obstructive hydrocephalus and anencephalotrophia. She too has a video available for interested families.
Little Haley was born March 2009 and has been diagnosed with a Developmental delay.
Selena was born June 2006 and was thought to have had hearing loss-but hearing is normal, she was born with neonatal asphyxia.
All of these little girls are waiting agency specific with the same agency. This particular agency has rules that are not from the CCCWA such as you must be home 6 months after your most recent adoption before beginning the process to bring home another child. All other CCCWA rules apply and on occasions they will ask for waivers.
If you would like more on one of these precious girls please email us at or email me at
This is great. Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful post. The kids looks great.