SHE IS ON THE SHARED LIST AS OF APRIL 1st 2011 GRY is a beautiful baby girl born March 11, 2010. When she was brought to the orphanage by the people who had found her, she was about two months old. Her initial medical exam showed a heart murmur, dysplasia and nystagmus of both eyes and leukoma of the right eye. A more thorough test later showed her heart murmur to be either patent foramen ovale or ASD. No intervention was deemed necessary at that time and the doctors decided to simply continue to monitor her. GRY is a very outgoing baby girl who loves to be around people and play with toys. She enjoys music very much. She is easily consoled when she is upset. She will try new foods without complaint and loves to meet new people. This precious baby girl needs a family to love her. A family able to help this special little one grow into the wonderful young lady she is meant to be! Who knows what the future holds for GRY? Wouldn't you love to be a part of her future? And next is the Handsome and adorable XYC: Boy - DOB: March 17, 2010 - SN: esophageal atresia (repaired)/heart murmur MATCHED WITH HIS FOREVER FAMILY CONGRATS TO THEM!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Little ones under a year!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Heart babies
HYK is an adorable little boy who will turn 7 years old in October, although he is very small for his age. HYK was born with a few heart issues; SV (R), PA, Common atrioventricular valve, ASD, PDA (R), Double superior vena cava, right arch. Oh...and he has situs inversus viscerum. (That means his major organs are reversed). He has had one surgery according to his report. Ke is a quiet boy, who enjoys playing with cars. He likes to look at books and play games with his buddies. He attends school. Ke is a cute little guy who really, really needs a mom and dad. And we would really, really like to find a family for him.
Next is Thomas at Starfish DOB: 7/7/08 Shared list not agency specific couldn't leave him out though!
Thomas was born with TOF (1st surgery complete) and a bladder exstrophy (bladder is exposed the the abdomen wall) He is 2 years old and currently in foster care where they must be spoiling him rotten; who wouldn't? Thomas has had the first surgery to repair the TOF (Tetralogy of Fallot - a congenital heart condition); he will require two more procedures. He also has bladder exstrophy (a congenital condition where the bladder is exposed through the abdominal wall). This cannot be repaired until his heart repair is further along. He is ready to take on his next domination of a new family! He wants it all, every hug, every kiss, every book read to him over and over...he has many plans for his new mommy and daddy. They just need to hurry and go get him! He is walking now and ready to come home. I met this little guy this summer and have more photos, info and a video on him. I am only sending the video to the family that locks his file and proceeds with his adoption. Next is S.H.T DOB:11/13/06
S.H.T has just turned 4 years old and is as cute as a bug! She has already had surgery to repair her VSD and ASD, both which were successful and is now playing catch-up for lost months when they wouldn't allow her to do much of anything due to her heart condition. She loves to play with dolls and has good fine motor skills. Little ones born with heart conditions often have delays; these can many times be overcome. Someone had her tested when she was almost 3 years old, with the results showing delays in almost all areas. However, her report from the orphanage states she was able to do age appropriate tasks at that time. So...we have to wonder...did she respond to the test giver's requests? Or did she clam we all know kids will do in a strange situation? We are asking for new info, so we hope to have some answers soon. In the meantime, she is patiently waiting for her mommy and daddy to speak up. She wants to come home now! Next is the handsome ZJD: DOB: 8/24/07
ZJD is a handsome little guy who is 3 years old. Born with a congenital heart defect, he received surgery when he was 5 months old. This procedure was successful, however according to the report he still has a large VSD which may require another surgery. (This report was in 2009 so we are trying to get an update) His development was only slightly behind his peers; not bad for a heart baby! he is a bright boy who loves to be outside and play with toy cars. As we see so often with children with heart issues in orphanages, they are protected (often too much) and it can slow their progress. He doesn't seem to be too affected by this, although I am sure he would love to be allowed to run and play when he wanted! ZJD is adorable, all boy and in need of a mom and dad. Do you have room in your family for him? Next us the cutie M.A.L: DOB: 11/12/08 M.A.L is too cute...really. In her photos, she looked so serious, so bored...and then in one shot, she has that smile. She looks like a pixie! She was born with a heart condition called patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), which is a condition in which a blood vessel called the ductus arteriosus fails to close normally in an infant soon after birth. This sometimes closes on its own during the first two years of life. If not, medications can be tried; if those do not work, surgery can be an option. She hasn't really worried too much about all that though. She has just been busy eating, playing, growing and charming everyone she meets! AoLing is now 2 years old and ready to come home and be spoiled. If you have been waiting for a pixie of your very own...your wait is over! MATCHED WITH HER FOREVER FAMILY CONGRATS TO THEM AND HER!! Next is JHZ DOB: 11/13/06
JHZ has recently turned 4 years old and is a very handsome little boy. We are hoping to get some new photos of him (and an update) since his info is a bit outdated. We have the surgery report from 2007, which details the procedures done on his heart; AS enlargement, bi-directional Glenn shunt. He recovered well, according to the report, with no complications. He had been very restricted prior to his surgery, as well as a while after, so that affected his development. He fell behind his peers during that time and will need to catch up in all areas. He is a happy boy...happy to have that surgery behind him and good days ahead. He will be even happier with a mom and dad to love him. Do you have room for a sweet little boy in your house? The noise level might increase, but the rewards are unbelievable! Next is WMX DOB: 3/29/06 Shared list baby
WMX is 4 years old and surely must be a beauty. The photos we were sent show her at a little over a year old, and she is adorable in them! (Although a headband or some little bows would have helped tame that hair!) She was born with a heart defect; we have the report from the hospital for you to show your doctor. In short, she has "I-degree back flow of TV; accelerating flow speed of PA". Her motor development was said to be delayed in this report, which is not surprising for a child with a heart condition. I enjoyed reading her orphanage report; in one part they talked about how she loved to pull the nannies to her for a big kiss! What a sweetie! MingXu needs a family! Next is the beautiful I mean handsome PSR DOB: 9/1/02
PSR is an 8 year old boy who is spunky, fun and is very smart. He loves model cars and planes and will study them very carefully and ask questions about them. His teachers are impressed with his abilities and his good work. He was born with a heart condition known as Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome and received his first surgery when he was an infant. He had a Bidirectional Glenn Shunt and ligation of PLSVC. He is a very intelligent boy who needs a family of his own. He has lived with a foster family and knows what families are all about. Now he wants to be part of a wonderful family that is all his own. So stock up on model airplanes and make a run to the bookstore for some new reading material for boys...he wants to come home!
New info: ShuRen's doctors report he has not needed any further surgery. They suggest he not participate in very intense sports; but he has been very healthy. He has continued to do well in school. Math is his best subject. He gets along very well with others and enjoys participating in group activities. He looks after himself and his belongings. ShuRen is outgoing and friendly. Next is the pretty Sandy DOB: 2/18/07 Sandy's special needs are complicated CHD: dextrocardia, VSD, aortic overriding 60%, possibly double outlet of right ventricle, ASD, patent ductus arteriosus, PH, possibly interruption of aortic arch. She also has hemangioma on her right eyelid (which seems to have faded). She is a bright and curious child.
And last but not least is the lovely Sue from DOB: 3/11/2008 (newer pics of her are avaiable with the agency she is listed with) MATCHED WITH HER FOREVER FAMILY CONGRATS TO THEM!! Sue is a beautiful little girl who was born with Complex congenital deformities DORV TGA VSD ventricular both-way shunt PDA Discontinuous echo in middle of AS PFO? Situs transversus atrium Pulmonary valve stenosis Mitral regurgitation (slight) Tricuspid regurgitation (slight) She is in need of a mommy and daddy to bring her home and fix her heart. All of her defects can be repaired with one to 2 surgeries now and a possible follow up when she is a teenager. Sue entered the grandmother program sponsored by "Half Sky Foundation" at seven months old. The grandmother often takes her out and talk with her, her development is delayed compared with others. She has routine life under the excellent care, and has normal defecation and urination, and at the age of 5 months, she can smile when being teased, and at the age of 8 months, she can roll over and at the age of 12 months, she can sit alone and can walk with one hand held. Her language development is delayed compared with others, and can understand the simple directions, but she seldom expresses herself using language, and when she is happy she will say bao, bao, xie, hao. She is introvert, timid, and has strong sense of self-protection when she is with strangers. She has strong imitating ability and learning ability and is bright. She is happy to stay with her caretaker. she likes to read books and listen to music. She claps her hands when listening to music, and she likes to play hide and seek game. Could you be the Mommy and Daddy she is waiting on?
If you would like more on these little ones or which agency they are listed with please email me at and I will give you this info. Please also pass around about these children so that next Christmas they can be home with their families! If anyone locks these children's file please let me know so that I can remove them and place has found their family beside them. If any of the shared list children on her are moved to an agency specific list also let me know this please so I can keep this up to date. Also if you have any heart babies you would like me to add please email me their info, a picture if you can, what agency they are with or if they are a shared list child state this and I will place them on her. If anyone has a little one they would like me to place on here other then heart please also email me I am always looking for children to add.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Time!
Each year as this time comes around once again many of us are out shopping for gifts to give to our loved ones. But the sad part about the holiday season is the MILLIONS of children whose Christmas wish is a Family! As a time of joy is celebrated please remember those that are without a Christmas/holiday season. Keep the children all around the world in your thoughts and prayers as this new year brings many un-certainties for those that are on the brim of aging out! Please keep the many families who are in the process of bringing their children home in your thoughts adoption is not an easy task it is full of unknowns and difficult times especially around Christmas and Birthdays when all that the family wants is their little one home. Please remember those that will do without this Christmas and please listen to the song that I have included below because so many children around the world are wishing for something so many of us take for granted all these children really want is a family could you be that family for one of the many of children waiting. They aren't asking for a perfect family but just someone to love them. Most of these kids just want a mom and dad is that really something so big to ask for. I know not everyone is called to adopt but there are so many ways to help those that wait. You can sponsor a child or family, donate to one of the many organizations that support and help orphans. Please just don't forgot those that are waiting!
Some statics on those who wait!
Every 2 seconds a child becomes an orphan
Every day 5,760 more children in the world become orphans
Every YEAR 2,102,400 more children become orphans (in Africa alone)
143,000,0002 Orphans in the world today spend an average of 10 years3 in an orphanage or foster home
Approximately 250,000 children are adopted annually, but…
Every YEAR 14,050,000 children still grow up as orphans and AGE OUT4 of the system
Every DAY 38,493 children AGE OUT
Every 2.2 SECONDS, another orphan child AGES OUT with no family to belong to and no place to call home
In Ukraine and Russia 10% -15% of children who age out of an orphanage commit suicide before age 18.
60% of the girls are lured into prostitution. 70% of the boys become hardened criminals.5
Many of these children accept job offers that ultimately result in their being sold as slaves. Millions of girls
are sex slaves today, simply because they were unfortunate enough to grow up as orphans.
There are currently about 145 Million orphans world wide below is where many are waiting this is not a complete list of every country but covers quite a few!
China has 14 Million Orphans
India: 25 million
US Foster Care: 500,000
Africa 39 Million
Brazil: 2.4 Million
Vietnam: 1.4 Million
Nepal: 850,000
Japan: 650,000
Korea: 400,000
Guatemala: 350,000 (Currently closed to Internationl adoption)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Puppy Dog Tails!! More Boys!
Now on to some of the little ones who wait More kids will be added to this later but here is the start of them!
Brad: Cleft Palate; speech delay; DOB 12/26/06 Describe as Shy and obstinate sometimes likes toy cars,
Carter: Post opt cleft lip and palate DOB: 5/17/2005 shy introverted and fond of playing alone by himself or listening to music
Clay: Post opt cleft lip and palate; DOB 3/28/2004; Described as restless, talkative, likes to sing and listen to music, gets along well and would like a family in America and wants to ride a plane; he is energetic and extroverted. He did state that that he bonds well with children younger than he and likes girls. He loves hot weather and chocolate!
Elliot: Repaired CHD; DOB 6/8/2006; He is timid, shy, fond of quietness, has a ready smile, introverted, obstinate and impatient sometimes
Gary; CHD; DOB 10/12/2006 Active talkative has a ready smile extroverted likes cell phones and toy guns likes reading picture books and playing games
Joel; Post opt anus imperforate; DOB 9/27/2005; shy, fond of imitating, talkative, gets along well with others, extroverted, fond of reading picture book and playing games
If anyone would like more info on some of these little ones please email me at
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Urgent A Family is needed
If you are interested and think you might qualify please contact us at .
Dick and Cheryl Graham
I got this email just now if you meet the qualifations please email the Grahams about her!
Monday, December 6, 2010
All Need a Home
But people need to understand their is a deeper reason. Children all around the world are orphans. Not in JUST China or just America. ALL AROUND THE WORLD. Just because we live in America it does not mean we should only help children in America. Or just because China needs help it doesn't mean we should only help China. Or even just because AIDS kill millions every year in Africa does not mean we should only help Africa. Or. Or. Or. I could go on and on. But in truth, God does not call us to just help Americans or just help Chinese! He calls us in James 1:27 to take after the ORPHANS. It does not say "Take after the Chinese Orphans" It just states to take care of the Orphans! So many have such a hard time grasping the fact of loving all children. I think that helping kids, no matter where they are is amazing. I admire all who do. But, I also think that others should understand that some people are CALLED BY GOD to help in other places, places some might not agree with.
"Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are PRECIOUS in HIS sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Kids with Anemia but a focus on Thalassemia
Thalassemia is an blood disorder passed down through families (inherited) in which the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. The disorder results in excessive destruction of red blood cells and anemia.
There are many forms of thalassemia. Each type has many different subtypes. Both alpha and beta thalassemia include the following two forms:
•Thalassemia major
•Thalassemia minor
You must inherit the defective gene from both parents to develop thalassemia major.
Thalassemia minor occurs if you receive the defective gene from only one parent. Persons with this form of the disorder are carriers of the disease and do not have symptoms.
Beta thalassemia major is also called Cooley's anemia.
Treatment for thalassemia major often involves regular blood transfusions and folate supplements.
Persons who receive significant numbers of blood transfusions need a treatment called chelation therapy to remove iron from the body.
Now on to a few whonderful kids who have Beta Thal that wait these children are agency specific please email me if you would like more info on them and to find out which agency has their file
First up is the Beautiul Danielle (MATCHED CONGRATS TO THE FAMILY)
Danielle was born 2/10/2010 still a baby she has beta thal and a port wine stain on the left side of her face. Isn't she simply beautiful she just needs parents to put a smile on her face! Still havent figured out why she is still waiting
Next up is the Handsome Sean
Sean was born 10/12/2008 he has beta thal and lives with a foster family. He is described as smart!

Next is Robert, Bob for short
Bob was born 2/23/2007 and his sn is Beta Thal. He is quite the cutie and looks like a heart stealer.

Next is the lovely Laila
Laila was born 1/1/2008 still a baby she is beautiful she has Beta Thal along with G6D deficiency which I think is another type of anemia.

Next is the cutie Simon
Simon was born 2/15/2008 he was born with a cleft lip and palate and Beta Thal. He looks like a mommy's boy and really needs someone to make him smile.

More agency specific no pictures on these little ones I do not know the exact blood disorders these children have but can direct you to the agency that has their files
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 6/2009
Special Needs: Blood Disorders, Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 4/2009
Special Needs: Limb Differences, Blood Disorders
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1/2005
Special Needs: Blood Disorders
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 8/2003
Special Needs: Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate, Blood Disorders
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 3/1999
Special Needs: Blood Disorders
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 9/1997
Special Needs: Blood Disorders (Ages out in Sept of next year)
Shared list Kids with Beta Thal: Please keep in mind the shared list is ever changing and at anytime these kids can be matched or moved to an agency specific list without my knowlegde please ask you agency if you would like more info on these little ones below!
Lizzie was born 9/30/1997 she ages out in september and looses the chance of ever finding a family then.

Next is Hannah. Hannah was born 7/2007 she does not have Beta Thal but another form of anemia. On hold for a family

Next is Mia. Mia was born 11/2006 and she also does not have beta thal but another form of anemia that is not listed.

Next is Ethan. Ethan was born 01/2006 and he has Beta Thal.

Claude is up next he was born 11/03/2005 his sn is Beta thal.
Sam is up next he was born 08/2004 and does not have beta thal but another blood disorder.

These next kids have no pictures but are all on the shared list unless otherwise noted I do not know somes exact birthday but can find it out if you would like it. Some may have Beta Thal and others may have a different blood disorder
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 8/2003
Special Needs: Club foot/feet, Blood Disorders
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 10/1998
Special Needs: Spina Bifida, Blood Disorders
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 2/2005
Special Needs: Blood Disorders
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 6/2008
Special Needs: Sexual Development differences, Blood Disorders
β-thalassemia, slow motor development (can’t walk), slow physical development (height couldn’t reach the standard)
suggested to have combined Mediterranean Anemia (MA) (thalassemia) test to exclude MA. 3) Positive HbsAg, HbeAg and HbcAb
β-thalassemia and medium anemia, low growing development
G6PD deficiency
mild alimentary anemia;cerebral palsy;mentally development delay
Intellectual development delayed,concomitant esotropia,mild anemia
Anemia. Require oral drug treatment; Normal( low level for developmental index)
Right cross eye; congenital microcornea; adherent leucoma, motor retardation, minor anemia,SHE HAS A TWIN SISTER LISTED BELOW
blind (left eyeball has been removed), mental retardation, minor anemia, TWIN SISTER
deformity of right foot (two toes of right foot), delayed motion, slight anemia
Mediterranean anemia
b-Mediterranean anemia
ß-Mediterranean anemia; growth retardation (4 items unqualified); intelligence development normal
β-Mediterranean anemia
Mediterranean anemia
congenital anopsia of both eyes, slow development, anemia
Mild CP, malnutritional anemia
Postoperative cross-foot, HB positive, mild anemia
mild anemia; left eyeball atrophy, right eyeball congenital glaucoma
Friday, November 26, 2010
An Orphan's Wish Boy
Luke – August 2007
Luke’s special need is clubfoot and mild cerebral palsy.
Luke arrived at the clubfoot casting unit in August 2010. After settling in, he soon began charming the carers and earned his nickname of Mr. Happy. He is a giggly little boy who loves to go around on his tricycle. Luke just had surgery to repair a hernia in his diaphragm and is doing well. We are looking forward to seeing him gain weight, grow and to continue with the casting treatment for his clubfoot. He brings much joy to the House of Love and would bring much joy to his family too.
You can read more about Luke and see more pictures of our Mr. Happy at the following blogposts: home again, recovering, surgery, and our little Mr. Happy.
If you are interested in reviewing Luke’s file, please contact Betty Betz at FTIA for more information. FTIA’s standard agency fees are reduced by $1,800 for the adoption of a child with special needs.

The Ugly Truth of Diseases.
from :

The lonely life of a six-year-old boy

A six-year-old HIV carrier, has been living alone since his parents died of AIDS.
The boy, known as Ah Long, does his own washing, cooking, studying and he also rears some chicken.
He lives in his parents' house at the foothill village of Malu Mountain in Liuzhou in Guangxi Province, China.
Ah Long has an 84-year-old grandmother, who visits him quite frequently and cooks for him.
The granny has also planted some vegetables near the house for Ah Long.

Ah Long making a fire to cook dinner
Ah Long does know what AIDS is.
All he knew was that his friends never want to be near him, doctors did not want to treat his wounds and his only family member – his granny – refused to live with him.
He was also rejected by the nearby primary school.
The only companion the boy has is a dog called Lao Hei.

Ah Long playing with Lao Hei in front of their house
Due to his complicated family background, the Welfare Department has declined to take care of the boy.

Ah Long studying in his room alone
After Ah Long's story was published in Chinese newspapers, a couple announced that they would adopt the boy.
However, it has yet to materialise.
When most hear the word HIV/AIDS it sends fear through them. It is a "silent killer" who wouldn't be afraid of it?! So many have such unrealistic views on the disease. You can't get HIV/AIDS by hugging, kissing, sharing drinks, touching, or any of the basic things. It is not a disease you can just catch like a cold. Yet, so many people think it is. So many orphans in the world never get homes because of the title "HIV+" or even worse "AIDS +" that one little 'title' costs so many children the chance of having a family. To be honest HIV/AIDS has always SCARED ME TO DEATH. I had NO idea what HIV/AIDS was. I only knew that it could kill you. Now I am much more educated on the subject. It is not a disease that should terrify you. Infact it is very manageable. Most children with HIV can live NORMAL lives and have normal life expectancy. HIV/AIDS orphans are continually thrown to the side and looked down on in all societies. Do you think those children can help the disease their parents gave to them? Do you think it is what they want? All the pain, the medicines, the looks, etc. Do you think they chose that? They didn't. They can't help it. So why do we all judge them and refuse to accept them just like they are? Why do we wait and refuse to open our hearts to children who NEED homes just as much as EVERY OTHER ORPHAN IN THE WORLD. Just because they are HIV/AID+ it does not make them less deserving. So why do we think it does?
This is an AWESOME video on HIV/AIDS awareness. I would suggest watching it. It is awesome information.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Let's not let that happen. Let's spread the word, give her a chance at a mother, a father, siblings, and an education.
She is listed with a friends agency. They have used them twice and would not hesitate to use them again. For more info please leave a comment or email me ( The CCAA is willing to make exceptions for those over age 55 and that do not meet certain requirements for the China program. The agency is willing to transfer her file order to find her a family!!!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Still WE Wait
In America everything is put over the top. It is overrated. Everything can always be bigger and better. Everything can be improved or redone from what they are now. Everything. We can never be happy with what we have. We always need the "next big thing."
God loved us so much. He put us here for ONE main purpose. To serve Him. To share HIS glorious news. To tell the World about how wonderful He is. To share His Love! Yet still WE all wait. We sit on our couches watching tv, playing video games, eating excess amounts of food, living life to the very fullest. Forgetting the MAIN reason we are here. We are not here to eat, to party, to watch tv, to buy that new laptop, to get the new cell phones, or to make ourselves happy. We are not here for that!
We all seem to live in this fairy tale and take the thing of "Oh, someone else will do it" over our concince. We forget that children are starving, crying, orphaned, begging for love. We forget that we are living so wonderfully while others suffer. We forget that we waste SO much. We throw plates of food away because "you weren't hungry." We take SO much for granted. We take for granted the next meal, the warm bed, the air condition, the love our families offer. Everything we have could be GONE. Gone in the BLINK OF AN EYE. Everything you build your life around could disappear in a flash. Without you even knowing what hit you it could ALL BE GONE.
Jesus does not tell us to leave it to others. He does not tell us to just hit that "donate" button. He doesn't tell us to just ignore the crisis of everyone in the world. He tells us to pick up our cross and follow Him. We are commanded in James 1:27 to look after the orphans and widows in their distress. He commands us!!
So why do WE still wait?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
A Young Man Who Needs a Home!
We just found out that Joseph's adoption papers have returned to the CCAA by an adoption agency, because nobody was interested in him. Please help us to spread the words out that he is available for adoption, he is a sweet boy who desperately needs a forever family! Whoever is interested in him will need their agency to contact the CCAA for his paperwork.
This is what the gal from the foster facility says about him... "He can't speak clearly, it's hard to understand him, the doctor said he might need an operation to fix it and it's not a hard one but he has to wait until his heart is fixed (he has had one heart surgery 4 years ago, and needs one more)
He likes anything related to Ultraman and Transformer, Legos, he like to build toy airplanes and boats and draw, he is very particular about his food, he likes to eat noodles and potatoes and doesn't like meat that much, he is a very neat and kind boy, he is not the smartest kid in his class but does well with all the subjects, gets along with others."
Chinese name: Dang Feilong (党飞龙)
Date of Birth: 05/08/99
SN: Pulmonary atresia, Velo-Cardio, Facial syndrome, voice problem
SWI: Luoyang orphanage of Henan province



Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Waiting Child by Debbie Bodie
Millions of children are waiting simply because they are older! Could you be the family an older child is dreaming and praying for? In countries around the world there are HEALTHY children waiting and their special need is AGE! They are considered special needs because they are not under 4 how sad it is to think that they are waiting simply because they are older. Here are some of the older children waiting!
These are just a small number of the children who wait all of these children are on China's shared list and can be found by an agency who has access. Not every child listed below is 100% healthy some have special needs that can be controlled on medication, may require surgery or more surgery, or they may have needs that do not affect their over all health at all missing limb digits, ect. I cannot guarantee that any of these children are still available or if they are on the shared list some may be on agency specific list and I am not aware if they are.
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
underdevelopment of left lower limb. Healthy
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
chinese says epilepsy
chinese says epilepsy
Healthy (older child)
β thalassanemia
Healthy (older child)
postoperative cleft lip and palate repair
Cleft Lip/Palate
Cleft Lip/Palate
Healthy (older child)
basically normal (HB carrier)
congenital repair of cleft lip postoperative
Postoperative cleft lip and cleft palate(both sides)
postoperative cleft of lip and palate
postoperative CHD
CHD-DORV/ASDF/VSD post operative; Hep-C virus carrier; curvature of penis
severely and profoundly deaf of both ears
Basically normal (right ptosis)
HBV infection, postoperative congenital cleft lip, congenital cleft palate III
Cleft Lip/Palate
cleft lip and palate
postoperative cleft lip
postoperative torticollis
congenital cleft lip and palate, post operation of congenital cardiac
deformed right eye
Postoperative congenital heart disease
albinism achromodermia
Healthy (older child)
1 left TEV
Hep. B carrier
congenital deaf mutism
1 CHD: good postoperative recovery of VSD repair, minor incompetence of TV 2 HB
Healthy (older child) , superficial caries of dentin,accessory tooth
Hepatitis B Positive
delayed speech
slightly poor motor balance
DST is abnormal ,the result as above,other is normal
congenital ankylodactyly
left undescended testis
Operative cleft lip and palate
congenital deaf and mute
congenital cleft lip and cleft paltae repaired;;pigeon chest
Healthy (older child)
postoperative congenital cleft lip and palate
inborn mute and deaf
postoperative congenital cleft lip and palate;bilateral cryptorchidism
Muscle atrophy of both lower limbs
postoperative congenital heart disease
postoperative cleft lip ;left cleft palate III degrees
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Mediterranean anemia
slightly low right muscular tension
Hepatitis B Positive
post-op right oblique inguinal hernia
Healthy (older child)
Hepatitis B Positive
Healthy (older child)
post-operative cleft lip and palate II repair
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Operative cleft lip and palate
deformed feet
congenital deaf-muteness; congenital hypospadia
Healthy (older child)
Healthy (older child)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Korean Children
Boy 12-02 09 murmur, lesion in chest (to be removed)Holt Adoption Agency
Girl 12-06-09 Premature (34 wks) Welcome House Agency ( she looks like she would be a handful her picture is adorable) Matched With her Family congrats to the family!
Girl(2y) August 11, 2008 chomosomal abnormality, DGS, ASD (waiting on AAC's list Name Madison)
Boy(1yr) March 14th, 2009 Premature, Hydrocephalus w/Shunt (waiting on AAC's list Name Shane)
Boy 9-25-09 Delay
Girl 10-08-09 Small Head, CHD risk cognitive delays (agency unknown but I can find out for an interested family)
G07-13-09 Delay-tested 8 mths @ 11mths (Amy@Welcome House (215) 249-0100 ext.119 prefer families in VA, DE, PA)
Boy 09-22-09 Background issue to consider Agency: Children's Home Society
Girl 03-13-07 Premature & COng Syphillis Agency: Children's Home Society
Boy 05-02-09 Premature, CHD, COng Rubella Agency: Children's Home Society
Girl 04-13-07 Macrocephaly & CHD Agency: Children's Home Society
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Special Needs Resource Videos
Click on the name of the SN to be directed to the video these are only a few and as LWB adds more I will post them here!
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Forgotten.

Forgotten : disregarded: not noticed inadvertently
Children all over the world are simply forgotten. Orphans.
I cannot and will not forget them. I simply can't. I refuse to. I will fight with everything in me until they all have a home.
Once you have held an Orphan, Touched an Orphan, LOVED an Orphan, been LOVED by an Orphan, put a face with the name of an Orphan your life is changed. Whether you like it or not. The fairytale days of "poverty and orphans aren't a big deal. they are ok by themselves" is shattered. I know this first hand. In 2007 when my family went all the way to China to adopt a little Orphan girl my world was rocked. I have never been the same. From the time I walked into that civil affairs office and saw all of the beautiful, precious, children of God sitting there...alone. hungry. begging for love. my life was changed. never again was I going back to the sitting on the couch flipping the channel when the commercials we all know about came on. Those days were gone. God changed my heart.
He broke me into 10000 pieces for the Orphan. the Forgotten.
He called me. Of all of the other humans in this world the ruler of the Universe called me! He called US to help the Orphans in widows! Many of us sit back and enjoy our wonderful, happy, sugar-coated lives in America. That is not for me.
I love America, yes.
But I love Jesus so very much more.
Are you willing to leave your comfort zone for Him?
Please join me in refusing to forget the forgotten. One child at a time. One by One until they all find a home.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Little ones in China who are under 3 and waiting
SN: congenital absence of right arm
LID Required
DOB: October, 2009
Gender: Male
SN: post-operative cleft lip, cleft palate, developmental delay
LID Required
DOB:January, 2009
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 8/2009
Special Needs: Limb Differences (assuming it deals with fingers or his arms he can walk) maybe a club foot I do not know for sure
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 7/2009
Special Needs: Birthmarks/Nevus (small mole like spot on his face)
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 6/2009
Special Needs: Blood Disorders, Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate (anemia)
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 4/1/2009
Special Needs: Limb Differences, Blood Disorders (congenital absence of the right radial bone and deformities in his right upper limb)
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 2/2009
Special Needs: Spina Bifida
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 2/2009
Special Needs: Spina Bifida
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1/2009
Special Needs: Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 12/2008
Special Needs: Spina Bifida
Girl 2-12-09 Cleft Lip Palate Hehp B
Girl March 2009 right clubbed foot, arthrogyposis of arms
12-02-09 Pre op Spina Bifida (SB of thoracalimb) Was still on Shared list as of Oct. 25th 2010
Girl: 05-29-08 TOF un repaired, extra thumb
Girl June 09 development delay (could be with anything growth, motor, or physical)
Boy: 04-06-09 Albinism
Boy: albinism 5.3.2008
Boy: 03-28-08 albinism
Boy born 2/20/2008, albinism
Boy 12-09-08 Albinism
07-29-09 post op Imp. anus B
03-26-09 hydrocephalusabsence of septum
10-02-08 Post op def hands.feet
10-2-08 maldev right eye
01-2009 cleft hands and feet
01-2009 spina bifid, club foot
06-08 laryngeal web, developmental delay, kidney cyst
11-10-08, absence of right arm
3-12-07dev delay
11-7-08 cleft lip & Pal, mild Thalassemia
3-2-09 CP hernia
04-2009 club feet, hands
07-2009 pre-op Meningocele
1 cleft palate; 2 repaired cleft lip; 3 growth development delay
delay development
congenital cleft lip and palate Ⅱ°
congenital cleft lip and palate in right upper side, III degree, and congenital cleft palate in both sides, II degree in the left and III degree in right side
heterotropia; lower indexes, possible cerebral palsy
post-operative congenital cleft lip,cleft palate
congenital cleft microphthalmia, blue-sclera syndrome; HB
delay development of motion function
(most likely because she is intustiaized)
Spinal meningocele
post-operative congenital cleft lip,cleft palate; 1. low weight, weak, need nutrition improvement to change the condition; 2. delay mental development, increase training, test blood routine in regular time; 3. CHD, follow up.
cleft lip and palate Ⅲ°, hernia on right side
1. deformity of upper limbs 2. CHD
craniofacial dysostosis
post-operative CHD
CHD (post ligation of ductus arteriosus); hypospadia
cleft lip and palate, cross foot in both sides
Congenital Heart Dis
1, absence of right hand, deformity of short left hand; 2, redundant prepuce.
1. congenital cleft lip and palate; 2. congenital CHD, VSD, and acleistocardia
06-2008 Boy post op cl-cp
5-2009 Boy amb gen (male chrom)
03-2009 Boy limb diff (no fingers right hand, thumb & pinkie on left)
02-2009 Boy past femure fracture
10-2008 Boy light port wine (his name is Zhang Liming)
07-2009 Boy post op imp anus
Boy ambiguous genitalia 6.9.2008
Boy Cl-Cp Hep B 5-4-09
Boy 01-21-09 post op Sb, & dropsy-hydroceph
Boy 03-30-09 malformed hands-ft
Boy 05-20-09 muscular atrophy of left lower limb, hairy moles
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Shared List/Special Focus kids!
Gender: Female
Continent: Asia China
SN: Hearing impaired
Leah is a very pretty little girl. This young lady has good growth and development. Though she has severe hearing loss in both ears, she is obedient, sensible, helpful and curious and loves to explore new things. She is outgoing with a ready smile and is gregarious, getting along well with others. She is a good independent problem solver. I have watched this little girl sti on a list for way to long she is beautiful and just needs a mom and dad to make her smile!! Born in 1998
Gender: Female
Continent: Asia China
SN: Hearing Impaired
Marie is a cute young lady has big eyes and a round face. Though she is congenitally deaf, her general health is good. She is very shy and likes to be alone. Though she has some learning difficulties, she is very good at handcrafts. Born in 1997 ages out begining of the year
Gender: Male (Karl)
Continent: Asia China
Special Needs: Heart Defects, Cerebral Palsy
Gender: Male (Sam)
Continent: Asia China
Special Needs: Limb Differences
Gender: Male (Luke)
Continent: Asia China
Special Needs: Birthmarks/Nevus
Gender: Male (Max)
Continent: Asia China
Special Needs: Blood Disorders, Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate
Gender: Male (Eric)
Continent: Asia China
Special Needs: Limb Differences, Blood Disorders
Gender: Female (Sally)
Continent: Asia China
Special Needs: Micro/Macro cephaly
Gender: Male (Noah)
Continent: Asia Korea
Special Needs: Heart Defect an Cleft Palate
Gender: Male (Caleb)
Continent: Asia China
Special Needs: Sexual Development differences, Micro/Macro cephaly
Gender: Male (Logan)
Continent: Asia Korea Born 2010
Special Needs: Physical dev delays
Gender: Female (Alexia)
Continent: Asia China
Special Needs: Spina Bifida
Gender: Male (Mitchell)
Continent: Asia China
Special Needs: Spina Bifida
Gender: Male (Andrew)
Date of Birth: 1/2009
Continent: AsiaChina
Special Needs: Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate
Gender: Male (Cameron)
Date of Birth: 12/2008
Continent: Asia China
Special Needs: Spina Bifida
Gender: Female (Callie)
Date of Birth: 11/2008
Continent: Asia China
Special Needs: Deaf/hearing impaired
I will try to add more kids later but if you would like more info on any of these little ones please let me know. Email me at and be sure to include the name and SN of the little one you would like to know about and country if other then China.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Starfish Boy waiting
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Little Boys
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Agency Specific Kids
Bart was born on 1-18-2005. His special needs are lower development indexes, meaning he is relatively small; his head is slightly oblate. He is a friendly, bright and curious boy who learns fast. He has outgoing personaliy and is very active.
Brook was born on 4-3-2008. Her special needs are postoperative congenital heart disease (VSD); delayed physical and languange development. Brook lives with a foster family. She is a happy girl with a ready smile.
David was born on 5-1-2005. His special need is post-operative nephrectomy on right side. David has been living with a loving foster family. In September 2008 he went to receive formal education in school. After studying for half a year he can say everyday English such as “good, morning, hello” and etc. after studying for a year he learned to sing the children’s songs taught by school, was able to dance the children’s dance taught by school, can state the names of fruit and addresses in English such as “apple, orange, father, mother, brother, sister, uncle and aunt, grandma and grandpa”, knew the arithmetic operation, can recite poems and write simple Chinese characters. Now he has gone to school for two years, his language, memory, hand-work, oral communication and sociability are all improved. His personality and behaviors develop well.
Feng was born on 9-26-2002 and was admitted into the SWI in October of 2002. His health status is healthy. He was a premature baby. Feng is in good health and seldom gets sick. He is a bright and curious boy who has a ready smile. He knows the names of all the other children at his teachers in his class. He has very good expressive language skill and knows many songs and participates in performances. He is very self sufficient. (HEALTHY BOY)
Forest was born on 2-10-2008. He is a clever, sensible, active and cute little boy. He has a pair of bright eyes, fair skin, round face with healthy pink color. He is adorable. He had congenital anal atresia and has had 3 operations: transverse colostomy on Feb.15 2008, pena and repair of urethral fistula on May 19 2009, closure of transverse colostomy on Nov.6 2009. After operations he can control his defecation like normal children. He has left cross eye.
Frank was born on 9-8-2006. His special needs are: 1. postoperative repair of congenital cleft lip and palate; 2. alimentary anemia (slight);
He is a happy boy who has close relationship with his caregivers.
Garry was born on 10-11-2005. His special needs are post operative cleft lip/palate and HB positive. He has normal development and is very self-sufficient and helpful. He is bright, lively and friendly.
Harry was born on 7-8-2008. His special need is repaired cleft lip and cleft palate. He is an active boy who loves to play games and play with other children.
Jerry was born on 12-25-2006. His special needs are: 1、congenital heart disease (VSD) 2、postoperative Incarceration of left Indirect Inguinal Hernia
Jerry is very close to his foster family. (Update avaiable)
Johnny was born on 6-3-2005. His special needs are repaired cleft lip; and cleft palate. He lives with a foster family. He is a lively and curious boy who plays well with other children.
Lian is a lovely girl born on 4-13-2001. Her special need is Hepatitis B positive. She loves to learn and is a very good student. She is friendly and polite. She gets along well with other children and is very helpful. She loves to sing and dance.
Lily was born on 11-13-2007. Her special need is postoperative congenital heart disease and lower growth index. Lily has lovely smiles. She is gentle and shy.
Mandy was born on 6-20-2006. She has complicated congenital heart disease: closedown of PA, VSD, the shunt from right to left in the ventricle level
The branch stem circulation formed. Mandy is friendly, extrovert, and talkative. She likes to communicate with other kids, and likes to sing, dace, and imitate, and she likes the wawajia activity. She is good at string bead, and is interested in drawing, and writing.
Mei was born on 3-25-2000. Her special need is Hepatitis B positive. Mei is a lively, helpful and bright girl who has outgoing personalities. She loves to dance, sing and draw. (update avaiab;e)
Molly was born on 8-15-2009. Her special needs are congenital defect in left hand and leg. (she looks like a Southern Spicy Girl)
Nicole was born on 3-28-2003. She was admitted into the SWI in April of 2003. Her special needs are repaird cleft lip and repaired cleft palate (the surgery to repair the cleft palate was not very successful, there is a little cleft remained under her right naris. She was also tested positive on Hepatitis B. Nicole is very helpful, active and loves to play with her friends.
Penny was born on 1-20-2009. Her special need is club feet. She has normal physical and mental development.
Quinn was born on 5-20-2007. Her special need is having club feet. Quinn's physical and mental development is about the same level as her peers. She likes puzzles and blocks and has good fine motor skills. She understands and follows daily instructions. She can say simple words like "Yes, Good, Ma Ma, Ba Ba" etc.
Shana was born on 5-10-2008. Her special need is club feet. She is lovely girl with a ready smile.
Simon was born on 2-15-2008. His special needs are repaired cleft lip and cleft palate as well as β- Thalassemia. He has a ready smile and loves to be cuddled by his caregivers.
Sophie was born on 2-28-2005. Her speical need is having nanophthalmos, microcornea on her left eye. She goes to school, likes to recite nursery songs and read picture books. She runs and jumps like her peers and has normal mental and physical development. Sophie lives with a foster family.
Summer was born on 7-1-2005 and her special need is post operative congenital atresia ani, rectovaginal fistula.
Tina was born on 6-2-2009. Her special need is brachial plexus paralysis of right arm. She is a lovely girl with ready smiles.
Tonya was born on 6-1-2007. She was cared for in a foster family when she was a baby. Because she refused to stand as a baby of 9 months and older, the SWI took her to the hospital in April of 2008 and was diagnosed as having cerebral palsy. (update avaiable)
Wayne was born on 6-7-2008. His special need is having club feet.
Yang was born on 7-13-2007. His special need is post operative cleft lip/palate. He also is HB positive. Yang is a bright and active boy who loves out door activities and animals.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago. -Isaiah 25:1
I would like to take a break from the posting of children {even though that is what this site is for}to share my heart about the growing Orphan crisis. Here are some statistics that hit home to me. Remember, each statistic is not just a number. Each number represents a PRECIOUS child who goes to bed without a Mommy or Daddy each night.
Every day 5,760 children become an Orphan.
Every 15 SECONDS a Child in Africa is Orphaned from AIDS. every 15 seconds!
Every Year in AFRICA ALONE 2,102,400 children become Orphans!
Can you imagine!?
Most of these children have some form of special need. The special needs vary from birth marks to severe heart conditions but all deserve a home. Most people sit in their happy homes, watching cable, eating whenever they feel like it, texting on phones, driving expensive cars, and demanding the very best for their life. Think about the Orphan who fights to eat, who has probably never had cable, or even rode in a car. The crisis is growing. We as Christians need to step out on FAITH and instead of hoping someone else will handle it do it ourselves! If my family would not have stepped out on Faith and went to China twice to bring two precious children home we would have missed out on one of the most amazing things in the world. When we answered God's call to adopt he blessed us. Sure we gave two children a home but what God did with our lives was much bigger than anything we could have ever done by accepting two children in to our family.
Can you change the life of an Orphan? Will you be the Mommy or Daddy that tucks them in to bed each night? Will you be the one to give them the HOPE they so desperately want?
Please pray for the precious Fatherless of the World tonight.
*I did not mean to offend anyone by this post, it is just heavy on my heart tonight.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Wonderful Waiting Kids!
Here are today's waiting children:
Jack was born in November 2007 and will soon be 3 her really wants a mom and dad and he is also one of the many children I met this summer in China.We learned threw a translator that he wants a Gu Gu and a mama and Baba he is a Special Focus Child on an agency specific list and also has a grant. There is also another generous mother who is raising funds to help cover the rest of his aditional adoption expenses!
Girl born December 2009 Her need is preoperative SB. She is on the General Shared list so anyone can lock her file.
Boy born October, 2009. He is a Special Focus child on the shared list.
Girl was born in June, 2007. Her SN is severe scoliosis
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wonderful Waiting Kids!

Girl, Born July 7, 2006 China From a missionary who visited with her in August 2010: “ Hailey was found abandoned at the age of 8 months. She is described as easy going and social, and is well loved by the orphanage staff. She is energetic and likes to listen to music.”
More photos available, along with full social history and medical records

Boy, Born November 20, 2008
From a missionary who visited with her in August 2010: “ Henry is so cute! Totally healthy and chubby, and will do great in a family.”
More photos available, along with full social history and medical records

Boy, Born October 29, 2005
From a missionary who visited with him in August 2010: “ Garrett was found abandoned at the age of 9 months. He is medically healthy but very small for his age. He lives in a VERY poor orphanage that is rife with neglect and lack of resources to properly care for the children with special needs living here. They are in dire need of humanitarian support. Those who are bedridden especially suffer here, and urgently need adoptive families. We are desperately seeking a family to give Garrett the live he deserves! ”
More photos available, along with full social history and medical records

Boy, Born April 5, 2009
From a missionary who visited with him in August 2010: “Doug is a sweet baby boy who is blessed to have been found and saved. He is doing well and will thrive in a loving family environment”
More photos available, along with full social history and medical records

Boy, Born July 12, 1999
From a missionary who visited with him in August 2010: “ Daniel is very active and friendly. He is affectionate and likes to play with and greet others. He proudly shows his work to you and enjoys cleaning and keeping a tidy room. Daniel has a great sensitivity to the immobile/special needs children, and often will bring them toys and water, etc to help them. Daniel is a loving boy who will do wonderfully in a family of his own”. RR does not typically advocate for children over the age of 10, but Daniel is a wonderful boy and deserves the opportunity to find a forever family. More photos available, along with full social history and medical records

Girl, Born February 24, 2006
From a missionary who visited with her in August 2010: “ Callie is an active girl who enjoys being outdoors. She can drink by herself , go up and down stairs, and play ball.”
More photos available, along with full social history and medical records

Boy, Born April 20, 2007
From a missionary who visited with him in August 2010: “ Andy is a sweet boy who has bonded well with his foster mother. He really enjoys playing outside!”
More photos available, along with full social history and medical records

Boy, Born November 29, 2007
From a missionary who visited with him in August 2010: “ Caleb is extroverted, active and restless. He has a ready smile, enjoys playing with other children. He loves listening to music, watching cartoons. He is energetic and likes being outdoors!” More photos available, along with full social history and medical records
Girl, Born September 30, 2002
She is extroverted and can express her feelings very well. When she is happy she will greet you warmly and embrace you enthusiastically; if she thinks that she was treated wrongly she will make sharp sound and cry loudly to blow off her discontent. She has made great physical progress and can go up and down stairs and loves to dance around!
Boy, Born April 2004
This boy, born 4/2004 has Down syndrome. He was told if he wanted to go to America he needed to learn English so he learned “thank you” and “bye bye.” He can do many things for himself including washing his face and tidying up the toys. He likes to play games. He manipulated the toys and building pieces very well. He likes blocks and little cars. He is good at taking the lead in games and likes to teach other children the games. If two kids are fighting over a toy he will stop them and give each child a toy so they won’t fight. He likes to watch a local new channel and talk shows. When the doctor was passing out treats to everyone he told the other children “to say thank you.” He is very aware of his environment. When a baby spit up no one helped quickly enough for him so he went and got a tissue and wiped the baby’s face. The staff said he was very shy but was away from his foster home for two weeks. He was one of the dancers in the program and didn’t seem too shy. He has no heart issues.